$25.00 – $500.00
Contact Debra Marillo for other donation options: dmarillo@sertomacentre.org
The IMPACT of COVID19 on our services supporting people with disabilities is devastating. Day programming at our Community Mental Health and Counseling facility (CMHC) and our facilities serving those with I/DD have been shut down. CMHC’s Living Room that provides assistance to the homeless during evening hours has been closed. Sertoma’s janitorial service that brings sorely needed revenue is practically at a standstill, unable to provide service to companies that have closed in response to the pandemic. Additionally, our second fundraiser is now threatened with cancellation.
If there was ever a time that we needed the help of those who can give a donation it is now. You can assist staff in providing critical services at this time. Every dollar, every act of kindness in word or deed will not go unappreciated. Please stay safe and we will keep updating you on Sertoma Centre and those we support.